Graduate Student – MSc Soil Science
- BSc Environmental and Conservation Science, University of Alberta (2013)
Research Interests
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Soil carbon sequestration
- Soil quality
- Agroecology
- Nutrient cycling
I am a graduate student in the Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes (SAL) lab at the University of British Columbia. I am currently working on a project examining the effects of incorporating short-term grassland set-asides on greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane), plant available nitrogen (ammonium and nitrogen), and soil quality in the lower Fraser River delta, British Columbia.
Thesis Project
Effects of 2- and 3-Year Grassland Set-asides on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Plant Available Nitrogen, and Soil Quality in the lower Fraser River delta, British Columbia
For more detail: Project page
Guenette, K. G., Hernandez-Ramirez, G., Gamache, P., Andreiuk, R., & Fausak, L. (2019). Soil structure dynamics in annual croplands under controlled traffic management. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 1–15.
Ursula Knight Abbott Travel Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences – 2019
CFFAE Karl C. Ivarson Soils Scholarship – 2018
CSSS Student Travel Award– 2018
Faculty of Land and Food Systems Graduate Award – 2017/2018
MITACS Accelerate Scholar – 2017-2019