New Graduate Students
- Meet with Sean to discuss goals and expectations and sign the expectation document (see LFS Graduate Student Forms).
- Make sure Sean has requested desk space for you in the graduate office (MCML 124, 202, or 144).
- Get access to SAL Lab online resources:
- Project management tool: Wrike
- Calendar: Google and Outlook
- OneDrive
- Microsoft Teams
- Develop a SAL Lab webpage for yourself (template in OneDrive).
- Review the LFS Graduate Student Handbook.
- Meet with lab manager for your mandatory safety orientation (MCML 202).
Working in LFS
The Faculty of Land and Food Systems (LFS) intranet has a New to LFS page dedicated to new members of the faculty. On this page, you can find guidance on the policies and procedures for working in the LFS buildings. We recommend new members of the SAL lab to go through all the information on this page. Feel free to contact and SAL lab manager if you have any concerns or questions.
The following links will help you to get started: